ChainingUpdated 29 days ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from chaining.Rmd in archivist 2.3.8.
Explanations in natural languageUpdated 3 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from vignette_iBreakDown_description.Rmd in iBreakDown 2.1.2.
PostsUpdated 4 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from posts.Rmd in archivist 2.3.8.
Explanations in natural languageUpdated 4 years ago

Adam Izdebski

Rendered from vignette_describe.Rmd in ingredients 2.3.1.
General introduction: Survival on the RMS TitanicUpdated 4 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from vignette_titanic.Rmd in ingredients 2.3.1.
Examples for ddst packageUpdated 4 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from examples_all.Rmd in ddst 1.6.10.
General introduction: iBreakDown plots for Sinking of the RMS TitanicUpdated 4 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from vignette_iBreakDown_titanic.Rmd in iBreakDown 2.1.2.
breakDown plots for the linear modelsUpdated 4 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from break_lm.Rmd in breakDown 0.2.2.
Simulated data, real problemUpdated 5 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from vignette_simulated.Rmd in ingredients 2.3.1.
Explaining classification models with localModel packageUpdated 5 years ago

Mateusz Staniak

Rendered from classification_example.Rmd in localModel 0.5.
Introduction to localModel packageUpdated 5 years ago

Mateusz Staniak

Rendered from regression_example.Rmd in localModel 0.5.
model agnostic breakDown plots for randomForestUpdated 5 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from break_randomForest.Rmd in breakDown 0.2.2.
Methodology behind localModel packageUpdated 6 years ago

Mateusz Staniak

Rendered from localModel_methodology.Rmd in localModel 0.5.
How to use breakDown package for SVM modelsUpdated 6 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from break_svm.Rmd in breakDown 0.2.2.
How to use breakDown package for models created with xgboostUpdated 6 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from break_xgboost.Rmd in breakDown 0.2.2.
breakDown plots for the generalised linear modelsUpdated 6 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from break_glm.Rmd in breakDown 0.2.2.
How to use breakDown package for models created with caretUpdated 6 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from break_caret.Rmd in breakDown 0.2.2.
model agnostic breakDown plots for rangerUpdated 6 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from break_ranger.Rmd in breakDown 0.2.2.
AccessibilityUpdated 7 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from accessibility.Rmd in archivist 2.3.8.
CachingUpdated 7 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from caching.Rmd in archivist 2.3.8.