1. BetaBit::EnglishLetterFrequency
    The vector of letter frequencies in English.
  2. BetaBit::FSW
    The data from the study of Polish upper-secondary schools students.
  3. BetaBit::bash_history
    The history of recently executed commands.
  4. BetaBit::dataFSW
    The data from the study of Polish upper-secondary schools students.
  5. BetaBit::employees
    The database with employees of Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of Warsaw University of Technology.
  6. BetaBit::food
    The food data from Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
  7. BetaBit::food_all
    The food data from Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
  8. BetaBit::food_all_pl
    The food data from Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
  9. BetaBit::food_max
    The food data from Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
  10. BetaBit::food_max_pl
    The food data from Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
  11. BetaBit::food_mini
    The food data from Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
  12. BetaBit::food_mini_pl
    The food data from Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
  13. BetaBit::food_pl
    The food data from Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
  14. BetaBit::logs
    The history of logs into the Proton server
  15. BetaBit::lyo
    The three messages to be decoded.
  16. BetaBit::pcs
    The three messages to be decoded.
  17. BetaBit::pistoale
    The three messages to be decoded.
  18. BetaBit::roses
    The three messages to be decoded.
  19. BetaBit::top1000passwords
    The vector of 1000 most popular passwords.
  20. BetaBit::top100commonWords
    The vector of 100 most common words in English.
  21. BetaBit::varLabels
    The data frame containng labels of the variables from 'dataDNiP' and 'DNiP' datasets.
  22. BetaBit::wikiquotes
    List with quotes in 18 languages.
  23. bgmm::CellCycleBeliefs
    Data for clustering of 384 cell cycle genes into five clusters corresponding to cell cycle phases
  24. bgmm::CellCycleCenters
    Data for clustering of 384 cell cycle genes into five clusters corresponding to cell cycle phases
  25. bgmm::CellCycleClass
    Data for clustering of 384 cell cycle genes into five clusters corresponding to cell cycle phases
  26. bgmm::CellCycleData
    Data for clustering of 384 cell cycle genes into five clusters corresponding to cell cycle phases
  27. bgmm::Ste12Beliefs
    Ste12 knockout data under pheromone treatment versus wild type; Examples of Ste12 targets; Binding p-values of Ste12 to those targets.
  28. bgmm::Ste12Binding
    Ste12 knockout data under pheromone treatment versus wild type; Examples of Ste12 targets; Binding p-values of Ste12 to those targets.
  29. bgmm::Ste12Data
    Ste12 knockout data under pheromone treatment versus wild type; Examples of Ste12 targets; Binding p-values of Ste12 to those targets.
  30. bgmm::genotypes
    Fluorescence signals corresponding to a given allele for 333 SNPs
  31. bgmm::miR124Data
    miRNA transfection data for miR1 and miR124 target genes
  32. bgmm::miR1Data
    miRNA transfection data for miR1 and miR124 target genes
  33. bgmm::miRNABeliefs
    miRNA transfection data for miR1 and miR124 target genes
  34. bgmm::miRNAClass
    miRNA transfection data for miR1 and miR124 target genes
  35. breakDown::HR_data
    Why are our best and most experienced employees leaving prematurely?
  36. breakDown::wine
    White Wine Quality Data
  37. DALEX::HR
    Human Resources Data
  38. DALEX::HRTest
    Human Resources Data
  39. DALEX::HR_test
    Human Resources Data
  40. DALEX::apartments
    Apartments Data
  41. DALEX::apartmentsTest
    Apartments Data
  42. DALEX::apartments_test
    Apartments Data
  43. DALEX::covid_spring
    Data for early COVID mortality
  44. DALEX::covid_summer
    Data for early COVID mortality
  45. DALEX::dragons
    Dragon Data
  46. DALEX::dragons_test
    Dragon Data
  47. DALEX::fifa
    FIFA 20 preprocessed data
  48. DALEX::happiness_test
    World Happiness Report data
  49. DALEX::happiness_train
    World Happiness Report data
  50. DALEX::titanic
    Passengers and Crew on the RMS Titanic Data
  51. DALEX::titanic_imputed
    Passengers and Crew on the RMS Titanic Data
  52. PBImisc::AML
    Acute myeloid leukemia AML study
  53. PBImisc::Drosophila
    Drosophila datasets and QTL mapping study
  54. PBImisc::SejmSenat
  55. PBImisc::YXZ
    Artificial dataset which shows the differences between tests type I and III (sequential vs. marginal)
  56. PBImisc::apartments
    Apartment prices in Warsaw in years 2007-2009
  57. PBImisc::corn
    A datasets relatead to gene expression in corn
    matrix|5339 x 36
  58. PBImisc::dementia
    A set of datasets relatead to dementia
  59. PBImisc::ecap
    Epidemiology of Allergic Disease in Poland
  60. PBImisc::eden
    European day hospital evaluation
  61. PBImisc::elastase
    Relation between graft function and elastase
  62. PBImisc::endometriosis
    Endometriosis study
  63. PBImisc::eunomia
    European Evaluation of Coercion in Psychiatry and Harmonisation of Best Clinical Practise
  64. PBImisc::flu
    Numbers of flu occurences in the 10 years period in the Poland.
  65. PBImisc::genomes
    724 bacterial genomes data
  66. PBImisc::heights
    Husband and Wife heights
  67. PBImisc::kidney
    Graft function after kidney transplantation
  68. PBImisc::milk
    Milk yield data
  69. PBImisc::milkgene
    Mutation in BTN3A1 gene and milk yield
  70. PBImisc::musculus
    A dataset relatead to mice musculus growth which depends on diet and genetic structure
  71. PBImisc::schizophrenia
    Genetic backgroud of schizophrenia
  72. PBImisc::vaccination
    Effective dose study
  73. PogromcyDanych::TCGA_BRCA
    Selected Variables from BReast CAncer Patients of The Cancer Genome Atlas Project
  74. PogromcyDanych::WIG
    Warszawski Indeks Gieldowy (Warsaw Stock Exchange Index)
  75. PogromcyDanych::auta2012
    Offer Prices of Second-hand Cars in 2012
  76. PogromcyDanych::diagnoza
    A Subset of Polish Social Diagnosis Data
  77. PogromcyDanych::diagnozaDict
    A Subset of Polish Social Diagnosis Data
  78. PogromcyDanych::galton
    Galton's and Pearson's Height Data for Parents and Children
  79. PogromcyDanych::imiona_warszawa
    Names of Infants Born in Warsaw
  80. PogromcyDanych::koty_ptaki
    The Fastest Cats and Birds in the World
  81. PogromcyDanych::mandatySejmik2014
    Local Government Elections in Poland 2014
  82. PogromcyDanych::pearson
    Galton's and Pearson's Height Data for Parents and Children
  83. PogromcyDanych::serialeIMDB
    Assessment of Episodes of TV series
  84. PogromcyDanych::skiJumps2013
    Ski Jumps Results season 2013/2014
  85. PogromcyDanych::skiJumps2013labels
    Ski Jumps Results season 2013/2014
  86. proton::bash_history
    The history of recently executed commands.
  87. proton::employees
    The database with employees of Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of Warsaw University of Technology.
  88. proton::logs
    The history of logs into the Proton server
  89. proton::top1000passwords
    The vector of 1000 most popular passwords.
  90. Przewodnik::auta
    Auta Dataset
  91. Przewodnik::brca
    BRCA Dataset
  92. Przewodnik::daneO
    Crunching of Oncology Data
  93. Przewodnik::daneSoc
    Example Sociodemographic Data
  94. Przewodnik::maratony
    Marathons in Warsaw / Poland
  95. Przewodnik::mieszkania
    Housing Prices Data
  96. Przewodnik::przezycia
    Mortality Data for Poland
  97. Przewodnik::szkolne_wypadki
    School Injuries in Poland
  98. Przewodnik::titanic
    Titanic Dataset
  99. SmarterPoland::BDLtree
    API to Bank Danych Lokalnych [GUS]
  100. SmarterPoland::cities_lon_lat
    Geocoordinates of Largest Cities
  101. SmarterPoland::countries
    Birth and death rates, continent and population for selected countries
  102. SmarterPoland::maturaExam
    Results from Matura Exams in Poland for Math and Language for Years 2010-2015